Warrant Board
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West Mifflin is a proud D.A.R.E partner
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Crime Map
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Community Assistance
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Animal Control
Questions about animals? Lost or found an pet? We can help.
Police Reports
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Accident Reports
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Borough Ordinances
West Mifflin Borough Ordinances listed online.
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MCSAP Vehicle Safety
State Certified Motor Carrier Safety.
What other services does the department offer?
Santa Cop with the West Mifflin Police Department
The West Mifflin Police Department has partnered up with Froggy Radio Pittsburgh again this year to participate in their Santa Cop toy drive.
We will be accepting new unwrapped toys to distribute to select families and children in our community.
West Mifflin Police officers will be at the Walmart in West Mifflin on Thursday, December 14, 2023, from 12 noon to 6 pm.
We’re excited about the opportunity to connect with our community through the great gift-giving program.
With your help, along with Froggy Radio Pittsburgh and Walmart, we can brighten the holidays for your friends, family, and neighbors in West Mifflin.
Please stop by and help us fill our shopping carts!
[ Thursday, December 14th. 12pm-6pm. Walmart – 2351 Century Drive, West Mifflin ]

Community Assistance: Identification Assistance – Giant Eagle Incident
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the persons in the attached photograph/s.

Beware: Holiday telephone Scams On The Rise
Beware of scams over the phone. It has been reported that several residents received phone calls from individuals representing themselves as employees of the IRS, Amazon, and other businesses. They are alleging that there is a problem with your account and then request your personal information.
* Before divulging personal information to anyone, know with whom you’re dealing.
* Never reply to messages asking for personal information.
* Never send money or account information in reply to notices that you won money.
* Give only to established charities.
* Don’t fall for pressure tactics.
* Be wary of imposter scams in which a scammer pretends to be someone close to you or an entity you’re unlikely to question.
If you have any concerns contact the Police Department.

Update: Thefts From Vehicles – Info/Arrest Made
In the early morning hours of 12/02/2020, WMPD caught a juvenile entering vehicles in the Polish Hill area of West Mifflin. The vehicles were all unlocked and various things were taken from inside some of them. WMPD recovered multiple items of which the owners have not yet been identified. If your vehicle has been entered and you are missing items from inside, please contact West Mifflin PD at (412) 461-3125 to possibly identify your property.
**All items were taken from UNLOCKED vehicles. Don’t become a victim – LOCK YOUR CARS!!

Thefts from Vehicles/Returning Property
The West Mifflin Police Department apprehended four juveniles on 10/29/2020 at approximately 2:15 AM for stealing from unlocked vehicles in the Riverview Homes area of the borough. Officers recovered some items from the juveniles that we believe were stolen from vehicles. Please contact the WMPD if your vehicle was entered and items are missing so that we may return the recovered property to its rightful owners.

Community Assistance: Identification Assistance – Walmart Incident
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the persons in the attached photograph/s.
Pennsylvania American Water Notice: West Mifflin Borough Hydrant Flushing
"This is an important notification from Pennsylvania American Water. Our crews will begin routine flushing of the water distribution system in your area on Thursday, October 22, 2020 through Thursday, November 05, 2020 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. to...

Community Assistance: Identification Assistance – Theft From Vehicles
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the persons in the attached photograph/s.
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department – serving and protecting West Mifflin Borough, a heavily residential area, West Mifflin is home to one of America’s oldest traditional amusement parks, Kennywood Park; the fourth largest shopping mall in the region, Century III; advanced naval nuclear propulsion technology research and development facility, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory; monorail manufacturer Bombardier; US Steel’s Mon Valley Works – Irvin Plant; Community College of Allegheny County’s South Campus; the Allegheny County Airport; and various other businesses and industries.