SCAM: “Kidnapped” Phone call

SCAM: “Kidnapped” Phone call

We’re aware of a telephone scam that is becoming alarming common.  Phone number:  (Mexico) 52-(664)-793-9840 Reports are that individuals receive a phone call from the above, unfamiliar number.  Upon answering the phone, a distressed (often)...
SCAM:  Transaction email message (with password)

SCAM: Transaction email message (with password)

Email with no subject states:  Good Day The Transaction will be posted in 3 days. Please check the document in attachment. the Passcode: LM8XSthNKF Attached is what appears to be a Microsoft Word document. Random characters for a file name and .docx for file...
SCAM:  Transaction email message (with password)


  Here at the West Mifflin Police Department we appreciate innovation.  We like to see new things.  Today, we were handed actual postal mail (which is rare enough).  The letter (below) is a physical copy of a scam that we constantly see...
SCAM:  Transaction email message (with password)

SCAM – Final Notice to Carmen Fernandez

Arrest warrant ID: – FFCEN 85740/806 which will be issued on 15th March 2017   Attention NAME- Carmen Fernandez.    This is the last and final chance for you.   This Legal Proceedings issued on you Docket no: EVR-46013 with one...