Charlie Charlie Challenge

Keeping parents informed about the latest crazes……

A strange new craze is taking over Social Media (and it’s in schools around the World). It’s the “Charlie, Charlie Challenge”.
Bearing similarities to a Ouija Board, players are apparently summoning a dead Mexican Demon/Spirit known as Charlie.

Of course, there’s no factual, historical reference to this Spirit, and we all know that “Charlie” is an ancient Mexican name anyway, right?!

To play the game, take up the challenge, and to summon “Charlie”, players need a piece of paper and two pencils (See the diagram to the left)

Pencils are lined up on the paper in a cross and the player/s ask something to the effect of “Charlie, Charlie can we play?” and wait for the pencil to move.
If the pencil points to “Yes” then the Pencil is re-placed and a series of questions ensue.

Of course, Mexican Spirits aren’t moving pencils to communicate with the players. What is?  Often these players are being influenced by simple gravity (have you ever tried to balance one pencil on another?) or the malicious use of magnets or other outside influences.

So, if your kids are talking about Charlie, you now know what they’re referencing.