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Borough Ordinances
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MCSAP Vehicle Safety
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Community Assistance: Identification Assistance -Burlington Incident
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the persons in the attached photograph/s.

Community Assistance: Identification Assistance – Home Depot Incident
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the persons in the attached photograph/s.

Alert: Theft From Vehicles
West Mifflin Borough recently had numerous vehicles entered throughout the night and early morning.
This is a reminder to keep your vehicle locked at all times.
If you notice anyone acting suspicious in your neighborhoods, please do not hesitate to contact the police.
Greensprings Avenue/Spring Street Road Closure
The westbound lane of Greensprings Avenue near Spring Street is now expected to close beginning at 9 a.m. on Monday, September 14, 2020. The restriction is expected to last until November 2020. It is required for repairs to a deteriorated portion of a concrete...

St Agnes Lane Traffic Direction Change – Sept 3rd – 6th, 2020
St Agnes Catholic Church located on St Agnes Lane is having its annual festival Thursday-Sunday, September 3rd-6th. The festival hours are 04:00 until 10:00 PM. During these hours St Agnes Lane will be one way from Homestead Duquesne Road to the Borough Garage (Municipal Road.).
Please drive slowly and carefully through this area.

Community Assistance: Identification Assistance – Walmart Incident
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the persons in the attached photograph/s.

Community Assistance: Identification Assistance – Giant Eagle Theft
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department is asking for assistance in identifying the persons in the attached photograph/s.

SCAM Alert: Duquesne Light Company warns of scams
According to Duquesne Light: “Customers have reported receiving calls stating that if payment is not made immediately, their electric service will be terminated the same day. The callers also are directing customers to purchase “pre-paid” type credit cards to pay off the alleged amount due.”
The West Mifflin Borough Police Department – serving and protecting West Mifflin Borough, a heavily residential area, West Mifflin is home to one of America’s oldest traditional amusement parks, Kennywood Park; the fourth largest shopping mall in the region, Century III; advanced naval nuclear propulsion technology research and development facility, Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory; monorail manufacturer Bombardier; US Steel’s Mon Valley Works – Irvin Plant; Community College of Allegheny County’s South Campus; the Allegheny County Airport; and various other businesses and industries.