Duquesne Light Company is reporting several scams that have taken place throughout the area.
It is important that you be vigilant in providing information to anyone over the phone.

According to Duquesne Light: “Customers have reported receiving calls stating that if payment is not made immediately, their electric service will be terminated the same day. The callers also are directing customers to purchase “pre-paid” type credit cards to pay off the alleged amount due.”

  • Reminder: 
    NEVER give your personal and/or financial information to people you don’t know at your door or over the phone. 
  • NEVER pay any “bills” or “fees” with prepaid/gift cards. (not surprisingly, most reputable companies don’t accept iTunes gift cards as payment). 
  • ALWAYS ask someone at your door for identification – reputable company staff should be more than happy to show you – or even have it ready, or wearing it where you can see it. 
  • NEVER panic.   The best scammers create a sense of urgency “we’re going to disconnect your power today….”, “your grandson is in jail…..”, “we’re going to have you arrested…..” etc.  
  • NEVER let someone you don’t know, or are unsure of enter your home. 

Your community safety isn’t just about you.   Make sure you educate those around you about scams.   Notify the authorities about suspicious persons going door to door.  You may have scared them from your property, but how about your elderly neighbor? 

If you ever feel your safety is being threatened, always call 9-1-1 as quickly as possible to receive help.

Find out more on the Duquesne Light Company Website