Dear Resident:


Penndot and Allegheny County have contracted with A. Folino Construction, Inc., via the public bid process, to provide Asphalt Road Paving services for this season.  Paving work, weather conditions permitting, will take place between 4 PM. and 12 A.M. beginning on August 28, 2019.  It is our intention to start work on the Duquesne portion of the roadway at 4 pm working towards Homeville Road.  The project could take two to three afternoon/nights depending on traffic weather, etc.  There will be limited areas that will require no parking in the shoulders, and will be posted as such.  Cars parked on the street during this time may be towed at the owner’s expense.  There is to be no parking at any time during the period of construction, even if there appears to be no construction taking place on your road.  This will allow the engineer/inspector and the contractor to mark out future work, emergency plans, etc. 


The paving process will include, power broom, & cleaning of the existing road surface.  During days of paving, a tack coat will be applied prior to the installation of any asphalt material.  The tack coat material can be very slippery to drive on, and it may splash onto your vehicle and even track into your driveway.  All efforts will be made to minimize this situation while at the same time maintaining traffic flow during this project.  It is advisable to avoid driving on the road during this time.  However, if this is not possible, caution should be used while driving.


Access will be granted in and out of your driveway at all times, though we ask not to repeatedly enter and exit your premises if at all possible. 


Thank you for your patience and cooperation during this project.

