South Hills Area Council Of Governments

Notice Of Examination For The Position Of Entry Level Police Officer

Applications to take the test for the position of entry level police officer are being accepted on behalf of the following Municipalities or their Civil Service Commissions:

Castle Shannon Borough, Dormont Borough, Peters Township, Pleasant Hills Borough, Upper St. Clair Township, West Mifflin Borough

until 5:00 PM on Wednesday, April 19th, 2023, at the officers of the South Hills Area Council of Governments (SHACOG), 2600 Old Greentree Road, Carnegie, PA 15106, 412-429-1130.

A single application to take the test and a single testing process will be utilized by the listed municipalities.  All appointments, if any, will be made by the individual municipalities. 
Information concerning minimum eligibility requirements for each police department is contained in the application package. 

Applications and instructions are available at the SHACOG office, at the SHACOG website (, and at the Police Departments of the listed municipalities.  Completed applications are to be returned with a non-refundable fee of $50.00 only to the SHACOG office. 

A physical agility test is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, May 13, 2023, with a written test to follow in the afternoon of the same day for those who pass the physical agility test. 

The listed municipalities are equal opportunity employers.