MCSAP Truck Inspections

Some areas of West Mifflin Borough have heavy commercial traffic, to keep the streets safe the West Mifflin Borough Police Department has 3 Officers who are MCSAP, and weights and measures certified.

We have a vehicle dedicated to motor carrier safety and carry out regular stops, and vehicle inspections.

The Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) is a federal grant program (administered by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration) that provides financial assistance to states to reduce the number and severity of accidents and hazardous material incidents involving commercial motor vehicles. The goal is to reduce accidents, fatalities and injuries involving commercial motor vehicles through consistent, uniform and effective safety programs.

Pennsylvania’s MCSAP

The MCSAP began in Pennsylvania in August, 1985. In the Commonwealth, the Pennsylvania State Police administers the program with participation by PUC enforcement officers. PUC enforcement officers are granted authority by the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code to participate in this program.

PUC enforcement officers must successfully complete a training program to become qualified MCSAP inspectors. As MCSAP inspectors, they perform vehicle and driver inspections of commercial motor vehicles which includes trucks and buses and vehicles carrying hazardous materials.

Find out more about MCSAP here