Investigation Update: 
The investigation of the rumors regarding a shooting threat at the football game tonight have been deemed unfounded at this time. 
There appears to have been a miscommunication relative to recent events in other districts and precautions needed in our own. 

For the safety of our public, the police department is still planning a presence at the game tonight. 
We still encourage anyone – if you hear of, or see anything suspicious, please call police dispatch at (412) 461 3125, dial 911 or reach out to a police officer immediately.   

[updated 1:30pm 9/13/19]

The West Mifflin Police Department is aware of the rumors of a possible shooting at the Football game tonight.
The Police are investigating the rumors attempting to verify the credibility of threats.
There will be a heavy Police presence in the area throughout the night. 
If you see any suspicious activity, it is important that you contact the police immediately or have any information. 
West Mifflin Police Department