To all West Mifflin Residents and Businesses:


As the Borough of West Mifflin prepares to transition into the “Green Phase”, Borough Officials wanted to share what that means for our community.  But before we share what that means and will look like, we would like to again thank all of the First Responders, Police, EMS, Fire Departments, Public Works, Borough Administration, and all others who helped, and continue to help, as we navigate through these unprecedented times.  We would also like to take a moment to acknowledge how challenging the past few months have been to all of our residents and businesses and express our utmost gratitude and appreciation for all of your efforts during this time.  Without your cooperation and understanding, this trying time would have been far more difficult. 

While we are all hopeful that the worst is behind us, and as we begin to return to some level of partial normalcy with the “Green Phase” transition, it is important to understand what this means.  According to the Governor’s Orders, this phase eases most restrictions by lifting the stay at home and business closure order to allow the economy to strategically reopen while continuing to prioritize public health.  It will facilitate a return to a “new normal” for the time being.  

Below is information from the State regarding the Green Phase:

Green Phase
Work & Congregate Setting Restrictions
  • Continued Telework Strongly Encouraged
  • Businesses with In-Person Operations Must Follow Updated Business and Building Safety Requirements
  • All Businesses Operating at 50% Occupancy in the Yellow Phase May Increase to 75% Occupancy
  • Child Care May Open Complying with Guidance
  • Congregate Care Restrictions in Place
  • Prison and Hospital Restrictions Determined by Individual Facilities
  • Schools Subject to CDC and Commonwealth Guidance
Social Restrictions
  • Large Gatherings of More Than 250 Prohibited
  • Restaurants and Bars Open at 50% Occupancy
  • Personal Care Services (including hair salons and barbershops) Open at 50% Occupancy and by Appointment Only
  • Indoor Recreation, Health and Wellness Facilities, and Personal Care Services (such as gyms and spas) Open at 50% Occupancy with Appointments Strongly Encouraged
  • All Entertainment (such as casinos, theaters, and shopping malls) Open at 50% Occupancy
    Construction Activity May Return to Full Capacity with Continued Implementation of Protocols

With this change, the Borough will be opening up its facilities strategically as we finalize plans to open and operate in a safe environment. 

Parks will begin to open once the Green Phase is official.  New signage will display rules and guidelines for individuals and groups using the parks and facilities. 

Information regarding pavilion rentals and field permits will be made available in the near future. 

Again, we would like to thank you all for your support, cooperation, and understanding during these unprecedented times.  While we encourage you to get out, start to enjoy the summer, visit our local businesses to help them get back on their feet, we do ask you to do this in a responsible safe manner while following all of the guidelines and recommendations from the State and County Health Agencies.  If we all do our part we can still make this a great summer for all the wonderful residents and businesses in our Borough. 


Thank you and stay safe!