ARRESTS: On 06/06/2023, Detectives from the West Mifflin Police Department filed criminal charges against four individuals for trespassing inside of the former Century III Mall property. Detectives positively identified the following actors: Christopher Cross (27), Brody Lones (23), and Drake Pierce (22) all out of the New Lexington, Ohio area; as well as Kenlein Ogletree (21), of Clairton, PA. 

Investigators were able to identify all actors through video footage filmed by Cross, Lones, and Pierce, which was posted online and sent to the Police Department tip line. All of the actors are presumed innocent until adjudicated and found guilty via court proceedings.

The former Century III Mall property is extremely dangerous, where individuals trespassing and responding Officers have been injured; it is also private property and posted against trespassing. Any individuals located on or identified as having trespassed on this property will be prosecuted.