ARREST: On 04/15/2022, West Mifflin Police Officers arrested Aaron Anthony (Beaver Falls), Angel-Mariah Schulz (Pittsburgh), along with three juveniles inside of the Century III Mall property.

All persons were charged with felony graded offenses, including: Burglary, Criminal Trespass, and Criminal Mischief for causing extensive damage to property. Mr. Anthony and Ms. Schulz were transported to the Allegheny County Jail for arraignment, while the three juveniles were released to parents.

All persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty via court proceedings.

Please be advised that making entry into any property without the express permission of the owner(s) is a crime. Century III Mall, while not currently in operation, is a privately owned and operated property that is staffed and maintained with security measures in place. Any and all persons found trespassing inside of this property will be prosecuted.