In the wake of the COVID-19 virus, the West Mifflin Police Department has made changes to our everyday operation; this is only temporary. Once the restrictions are lifted, We will return to our standard operating procedures.

The following is effective immediately:  
  • An officer may handle any incident that is not in progress or considered a violent crime over the phone by gathering information and filing a report.
  • Emergency calls where a person’s safety and property are in immediate danger officers will continue to respond to the scene. 
  • Residents are discouraged from coming to the police station. Please call, and we will assist you over the phone. 
  • If you are seeking a police report, please call us at 412-461-0600 or 412-461-3125. If we can make arrangements with you to send your request via email, we will do so. 
Please know with confidence that we are fully staffed and prepared to respond as needed throughout the borough. The listed safeguards are to protect you and the Officers from potential cross-exposure. 
Thank you for your patience and understanding.