kushWest Mifflin, Allegheny County –  On Tuesday March 8, 2016 at 8:17am, West Mifflin Police  reported to the WMASD High School for an issue of possible Drug Activity.We received information from School Administration that they were speaking with a small group of students that were involved with the use of a candy type substance that goes by the product name of KUSHY Punch.

We received information from School Administration that they were speaking with a small group of students that were involved with the use of a candy type substance that goes by the product name of KUSHY Punch.

It was determined that no person ingested or purchased the product without full knowledge of its intent and content.

This case is still under investigation pending additional interviews and Lab results therefore no further information may be released. Charges are pending for violations of the Controlled Substance Drug Device Cosmetic Act.

Information on the Product:

What Is A Kushy Punch? How Much Cannabis Is In One?

With over 70mg of active cannabinoids, each Kushy Punch packs the potency of several slightly less powerful doses of 17.5mg of THC. In fact, each Kushy Punch is packaged as one slab that is then wrapped up in wax paper and marked as 4 individual doses on the package’s sticker.


[gview file=”https://westmifflinpolice.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Press-Release-Drug-use-WMASD-3-08-2016-1.pdf” width=100%]