
secureshreddingDRAVOSBURG, Oct. 12 – State Rep. Bill Kortz, D-Allegheny, will host a free community shredding event on Saturday, Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. to noon in the parking lot of the West Mifflin No. 3 Volunteer Fire Co., 3722 Rodeo Dr., West Mifflin.

Constituents are invited to bring unneeded paper items to be shredded for disposal, including old bills, health records and financial records, as well as any other paper items of a personal nature. There is a three-box limit per person.

“Identity theft becomes a bigger problem every year,” Kortz said. “Proper disposal of sensitive material is your best defense against becoming a victim of this type of crime.

“In addition to protecting your identity, you are protecting the environment, as the shredded paper will be recycled.”
Constituents can learn more about identity theft at the Pennsylvania Treasurer’s website, www.patreasury.gov/learn/idtheft/.

The event is open to the public, but only personal papers will be shredded. Business papers will not be accepted at this event.

For more information, constituents may contact Kortz’s constituent service office at (412) 466-1940.